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Displays switched sides


it's actually pretty cool, that you can see your smartphones content already mirroring in front of your eyes, even if the Companion app is not started yet.

The problem is, on my device it seems, the right display shows what the left eye should see and vice versa.

As soon as the companion app (or another AR app) is running, the problem is gone.

Is that a known problem, or is anything wrong with my firmware and/or hardware?

Best Answer


The mirrored display of the main screen is the way the secondary display is handled when apps are not running. This is not intended to be used as the primary form of usage for the glasses, and should be ignored.

Once the AR app is running, it will use the AR Glasses properly as you noted. There is nothing wrong with your firmware or hardware. Thanks.

Ok, thank you :-) 



The mirrored display of the main screen is the way the secondary display is handled when apps are not running. This is not intended to be used as the primary form of usage for the glasses, and should be ignored.

Once the AR app is running, it will use the AR Glasses properly as you noted. There is nothing wrong with your firmware or hardware. Thanks.

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