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Portrait DualRenderFusion app splash screen launches in landscape mode.

I am creating a DualRenderFusion app with SDK 0.23.0. I am creating an app with a portrait application, but the splash screen will be displayed in landscape mode.

The flow is

  1. Launch the app
  2. The splash screen is displayed in landscape mode.
  3. The app screen is rotated and displayed in portrait mode

I built a sample scene, OpenXRLoadingTest, and confirmed that the splash screen is displayed in landscape mode as well.

How can I display the splash screen in portrait mode?

Used glass:  A3 glass.



The orientation is enforced by Dual Render Fusion and is required to be landscape, otherwise you will be running into trouble with visualization in the glasses. Changing the orientation in the Snapdragon Spaces Plugin or unity settings, will not yield the desired result. I will be filing a bug report on this. A fix is likely to make it into Snapdragon Spaces 0.26.0 if prioritized.

As a rather simple workaround in the meantime, you can rotate the splash screen content/logo by 90° to make sure it has the desired orientation. 

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Dear Simon,

I haven't tried it, but if I rotate the splash screen content itself, the phone side can be displayed in portrait mode, but the Glass side display will be rotated 90°.

Hopefully this will be fixed in an update.


Since there doesn't seem to be a woorkaround, I just raised the priority on this ticket. 

This issue will be resolved in the next public release of the Snapdragon Spaces SDK. The current estimation for this release is in about a month pending quality assurance and testing. 

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Thank you! I will check next release SDK

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