Hi Denis,
Snapdragon Spaces is OpenXR standard compliant. You can in theory create your application running native following the OpenXR standard.
The OpenXR™ Specification (khronos.org)
While going native is an option, I'd recommend using either Unity or Unreal - they are not "just" for games. We do not have a native SDK available, and do not officially provide support on developing a native application.
A good starting point would be the Khronos Hello XR sample app: OpenXR-SDK-Source/BUILDING.md at main · KhronosGroup/OpenXR-SDK-Source · GitHub
Denis. y
Can I use the features of AR2 Gen1 without the use of Unity or Unreal? I see that SDK exists only for game engines. How can I have an API to spatial mapping or plane detection directly? I am not developing a game
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