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Access to Raw Camera Stream


will access to raw camera data of RGB and/or stereo cameras be available for developers?



We don't provide raw access to the RGB camera data at the present moment, but we are looking into best ways of supporting this feature in the future.

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Thanks for your feedback. What about access to the grey scale stereo cameras. Are you also looking into providing support for getting access to raw data for those as well in the future? Or will you limit access to RGB Camera? 

We don't have plans to announce support for those cameras at this time, but will consider your feedback.

Dear Steve,

I just joined the forum and was considering ordering the Dev Kit, however this is pretty disappointing.

For many use cases you need customised tracking that usually won't work with the built-in tracker (e.g. if you need very accurate tracking of the headset's pose relative to another objects with well defined features).

Kind regards,

Thank you for your feedback, we've added it to our request list for RGB Camera feed for consideration in future releases.

Is there an ETA for this yet? Lack of access to an RGB camera is a show-stopper for our application.

We do not have a definitive ETA at this time, but please feel free to upvote it at:

Ok - thanks. Already did that, and for AR capture which would also be very helpful. This  is the first device that I have worked with that doesn’t have at least the RGB capability incidentally.

Our product and engineering teams have been informed and I can confirm that it is one of our roadmap items.

Excellent - thanks!

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