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What AR features does Snapdragon Spaces offer?

 I would like to know what features Snapdragon Spaces offers.

Hi Steve, any updates on when the Object Recognition & Tracking feature will be available?

Yes, features that are not listed are not yet supported. Image recognition should be coming in roughly another month.

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Hi! The Unity guide lists the following AR Foundation features:

FeatureAR Foundation managerXR subsystem
Base RuntimeAR Session 
Tracked Pose Driver
Plane DetectionAR Plane managerXRPlaneSubsystem
Spatial AnchorsAR Anchor managerXRAnchorSubystem

Can I assume the other features listed are not yet supported? Is there a rough ETA on Image Recognition?


The roadmap for Snapdragon Spaces include positional tracking, local and persistent anchors, Image Recognition, Object Recognition & Tracking, Plane Detection, Spatial Mapping & Meshing, Occlusion, Scene Understanding, and Hand Tracking. Please check the updates to see what features are completed.

Your Spaces Developer Support Team

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