Hi Steve, any updates on when the Object Recognition & Tracking feature will be available?
Yes, features that are not listed are not yet supported. Image recognition should be coming in roughly another month.
Hi! The Unity guide lists the following AR Foundation features:
Feature | AR Foundation manager | XR subsystem |
Base Runtime | AR Session Tracked Pose Driver | XRSessionSubsystem - |
Plane Detection | AR Plane manager | XRPlaneSubsystem |
Spatial Anchors | AR Anchor manager | XRAnchorSubystem |
Can I assume the other features listed are not yet supported? Is there a rough ETA on Image Recognition?
The roadmap for Snapdragon Spaces include positional tracking, local and persistent anchors, Image Recognition, Object Recognition & Tracking, Plane Detection, Spatial Mapping & Meshing, Occlusion, Scene Understanding, and Hand Tracking. Please check the updates to see what features are completed.
Your Spaces Developer Support Team
Nicola Radacher
I would like to know what features Snapdragon Spaces offers.