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Android Unity build issue with Internet connection

I'm encountering a very strange issue on the Argo device from Digilens. I know there is no official support for Argo now, but maybe it is not device connected issue.

An application that we are currently developing was working flawlessly two days ago. Now, it is unable to connect to the Internet.

This issue seems similar to the one discussed here:, but the suggested solution did not work.

I've also created new applications for testing:

An app without the SnapdragonSpaces SDK connects to the Internet.

An app with the SnapdragonSpaces SDK does not connect to the Internet.

I've tried several different methods to resolve this issue, including reinstalling SnapdragonSpaces Services, using various WiFi networks, making changes in Project Settings, and enforcing internet permission in AndroidManifest, changing Unity Editor versions. None of these have been successful. Also, when checking Application.internetReachability, it has the status: ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork. But a simple request to is failed (with error: cannot resolve destination host).

Other Android applications connect to the Internet without any issues. It's only the Unity-created applications, that after adding the Snapdragon Spaces SDK yesterday, are unable to connect.

I would appreciate any advice on how to resolve this problem. Is this a known issue?





Best Answer

Hi Tomasz,

While it's correct that we don't officially support the Digilens platform at this time, this article may be related to your issue


Hi Tomasz,

While it's correct that we don't officially support the Digilens platform at this time, this article may be related to your issue

Thanks Simon,
Already tested this solution - it doesn't help.

Hi Tomasz,

You can try the following steps to verify that this bug does not affect your application:

1. Export your project to a gradle project by checking "Export Project" in the Build Settings.

2. In the exported project folder look for the AndroidManifest.xml files

3. Check if the internet permission has been stripped "<uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>"

If the files contain the permission, this bug does not affect your app and it is likely something else causing your internet troubles. In this case, please contact Digilens for futher support with the issue. 

If the files don't, please elaborate on what steps from the solution article workarounds you took to mitigate the issue. 

Thanks, issue was solved with XR package update to newest.

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