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Apk of sample with spatial meshing doesn't work

Hi!! i install  the new sample with version 0.11.1 and update the snapdragon service to the 0.11.1, the plane detector ad the spatial meshing app doesn't work. I see only the back button, i move in the environment but i see nothing.

Best Answer

Adding the resolution of this issue here for others with the same issue.

For most developers that recently upgraded to Spaces 0.11.1 the resolution is to: 

  1. Uninstall Spaces Services and the Samples app
  2. Power off the device
  3. Power it back on again
  4. Reinstall services
  5. Reinstall the samples app
  6. Grant permissions to both

You might also need to check if your Motorola Edge and A3 firmware is up to date. Here are the current firmware versions (as of 03/24/2023):

  • Motorola Edge: S3SHS32.12-41-4-4
  • A3: A3_user_S1040001_2208180059_sdm710_postcs8
  • Lenovo UDC:

You can check your A3 version in the Lenovo Universal Device Client app and your Motorola Edge version under Settings > System updates .

If you cant update you might need to factory reset your device. 


Adding the resolution of this issue here for others with the same issue.

For most developers that recently upgraded to Spaces 0.11.1 the resolution is to: 

  1. Uninstall Spaces Services and the Samples app
  2. Power off the device
  3. Power it back on again
  4. Reinstall services
  5. Reinstall the samples app
  6. Grant permissions to both

You might also need to check if your Motorola Edge and A3 firmware is up to date. Here are the current firmware versions (as of 03/24/2023):

  • Motorola Edge: S3SHS32.12-41-4-4
  • A3: A3_user_S1040001_2208180059_sdm710_postcs8
  • Lenovo UDC:

You can check your A3 version in the Lenovo Universal Device Client app and your Motorola Edge version under Settings > System updates .

If you cant update you might need to factory reset your device. 

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Hi Tim,

thanks for the log. Could you please also upload a version without the Unity only filter? 

I'm forwarding it to the SKD team for thorough investigation since it seems like there is no quick resolution for your case.

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Can you go into the Snapdragon Spaces Services apk, turn off / turn back on the Camera permissions, and do that also with your app apks?

 Hey Simon, attached you'll find the unfiltered Log.


I forgot to mention, when running the Spatial Meshing scene I don't see the "Feature unavailable" screen. All I see Is the header "Spatial Meshing", the Snapdragon Logo and the back Button

 Hey Simon,

you'll find the complete Log attached here. It starts with connecting the glasses to the device, running the Sample app, starting spatial meshing, keep it running for a few seconds and then quitting out. I hope this is helpful to you!


Regarding the logs:

2023.03.15 12:49:49.432 22268 22556 Error Unity [XR] Failed to update mesh infos

2023.03.15 12:49:49.448 22268 22556 Warn Unity [XR] Scene understanding step is not update meshes, cannot update meshes yet!

They can happen during correct behavior, but should eventually stop after a few seconds.  

@Tim If you have done a clean install of the runtime (uninstalling, then re-installing via adb, then granting permissions) and it still is not working, can you please provide a full logcat? 

Thanks again,


Hi all, 

just so I can properly investigate - when you run the samples does this panel show up for you? 



We tried to update the Spaces Service on the device via the Spaces Service APK provided in the latest SDK download (update & also fresh reinstall) and also tried to install the service apk directly over ADB, but we still encounter the same errors as before
I can confirm the latest Services APK is installed on my devices and have restarted those devices a few times.


Besides the new SDK and Samples, Spatial Mapping and Meshing also requires the latest version of the Snapdragon Spaces Services apk running on the device, and this is included with the Unity SDK download. Can you make sure this latest services apk is updated and the phone is restarted? Note that this is not the Samples apk but the *Services* apk that I'm referring to.



We unfortunately ran into the same problem. Spatial Meshing is not executing properly. We tried building the samples ourselves and also just running the "SnapdragonSpaces_Unity_Samples_0_11_1.apk". Both version display the following error over and over again in the LogCat, when running:

2023.03.15 12:49:49.432 22268 22556 Error Unity [XR] Failed to update mesh infos

2023.03.15 12:49:49.448 22268 22556 Warn Unity [XR] Scene understanding step is not update meshes, cannot update meshes yet!

Some additional info I was able to grab from device, the following messages are continuously scrolling when running the scene when trying to use spatial mapping:

XrCompositor::ProcessEvent: Start

03-06 15:52:55.372 27900 28028 I QXRModuleHandTracking: HandleClassCommand: command: QXRSOCKETHANDTRACKING_CMD_PREDICT_DATA success 0 1

03-06 15:52:55.375 27849 27954 W Unity : [XR] Scene understanding step is not update meshes, cannot update meshes yet!

03-06 15:52:55.375 27849 27954 E Unity : [XR] Failed to update mesh infos

03-06 15:52:55.388 27998 28059 W AndroidXrFramePacer::WaitForStrip: Waiting on 1st strip (s1) -- Wrong VSYNC period! expected 7619, current 7618

I believe there is an issue with external camera access, as I have seen this behavior when trying to develop applications to use the Camera on the A3.   

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