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Cross device project that supports Spaces and Meta Quest SDK


I have a single Unity project that I would like to use to support both Snap Dragon Spaces devices as well as the Meta Quest.  My project is successfully building  APKs for Quest, but as I start installing the Spaces SDK, things start to get complicated.

When you go to turn on the OpenXR plugin (and enable the "Snapdragon Spaces feature group"), I get warnings about issues with project settings (see the attached picture).  It also seems to auto disable the Oculus XR plugin too (also see attached picture). 

I am considering writing some scripts to try to switch from "Oculus mode" to "Spaces mode" by mucking with all these settings, but it sounds error prone!  Has anyone successfully made these SDKs work together in the same Unity project?  Or should I investigate alternatives where I split into multiple Unity projects (which is much less convenient!)?


Quick update:  For now, we actually ended up being able to house Snapdragon Spaces and Oculus in the same project through some editor scripts.  We have menu options to switch between the two platforms, and when we activate Snapdragon, we copy the Oculus SDK out of the project and copy in a different project settings file (and restart the editor).  Depending on the mode, our camera mgr will spawn a different camera prefab...
It's letting us limp along for now :)  


Unfortunately building for Quest uses the same Build Platform (Android) as Snapdragon Spaces, so you'll likely have to set up this project separately for each target. It's not ideal, but is the nature of using Android as a root platform. Source code repositories and branches may help with this.



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