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Hand Tracking breaks, when AR Plane Detection is being disabled

So the basic setup looks like this: Use AR Plane Detection to detect the floor surface. After finding a suitable floor area, use the QCHT Distal Raycast to determine the Game Area Center on the found AR Planes. 

After that we would instantiate our elements on the Game Area Center and deactivate the AR Plane Manager to save resources. The AR Plane Manager gets deactivated by disabling the component (ARPlaneManager.enabled = false). 

Unfortunately disabling plane tracking will instantly and completely break the hand tracking. The hand is still displayed, but frozen in place and won’t get any updates. Even after closing the app and restarting it, the hand remains in the same pose as before, frozen still. Only after rebooting the device, the hand tracking will resume its function

Best Answer

Hi Tim,

Our team has taken a look and confirmed that this issue will be fixed in a future release post-0.6.1. Thanks.

Thanks Tim, we'll have someone look into this


Hi Tim,

Our team has taken a look and confirmed that this issue will be fixed in a future release post-0.6.1. Thanks.

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