Could you please add some more information?
Just for me to fully understand your problem; In your example the QR Code is instantiated at the coordinate center origin and doesn't move again right? Is it visible in the scene though?
I remember we had a bug in an early version where a second QR code would get instantiated in the coordinate center origin and stay there, while the second would be tracked. It's possible you*re running into that issue.
It was resolved through an internal meeting
Can you tell me when the next version will come out?
The current target release date for the next version of Snapdragon Spaces is set for beginning of September pending delay from quality assurance.
The Unity version is in use in 2021.3.32f and I am writing because I have a question regarding QR recognition
If you take a QR code, there are 3 cases
1. normal perception
2. If there is a problem and the update continues, the values are crossed normally
3. If you continue to have problems
There are three cases, and the reproduction code is as follows
Why these problems occur and if they are correct, when can they be fixed