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Hand Tracking not working - Lenovo VRX, Unity 2021.3.16f1, VR/MR SDK 0.23.0

Hello everyone,

I am trying to test the QCHT Samples (from the VR/MR SDK 0.23.0) on a Lenovo ThinkReality VRX, but I am struggling to get the hand tracking to work.

I am using Unity 2021.3.16f1, and I followed the steps in the guide to build the samples. The device's software version is attached.

When running the app on the device, the hands do not appear, and the controllers remain visible. I tried removing the batteries from the controllers, but it didn't help. 

I extracted the app logs using the Android Logcat package in Unity, and I consistently see this log message:

2024/07/24 09:19:06.564 4924 4976 Info QCHTOpenXrPlugin Invalid tracker.

I built a simple scene with only a QCHT XR Origin prefab, but the result was the same. I also tested the Core Samples of the SDK, and they work fine, except for the one related to hand tracking.

In the attachments, you will find the list of built scenes, the OpenXR enabled features, and the Android Logcat output.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

(79.8 KB)

Could you please try the following:

  • Does Hand Tracking in the pre built samples work on your VRX device?
  • Change the QCHT main menu scene to Assets/Samples/QCHT Unity Interactions/4.1.7/QCHT Samples/Menu/Scenes/QCHT Sample - Menu Spaces.unity?

I tried both the pre-built samples and changing the first scene in my build to QCHT Sample - Menu Spaces.unity, but the result is the same: hand tracking is still not working.

I'm new to this device, but should the hand tracking also work in the VRX home? It's not working there either. Could it be a device problem?

To continue the investigation, our engineering team has requested that you send a complete log that starts recording before the application is started and has logs of the startup phase. Could you please upload a second log? Thanks!

I generated a log with the startup of the device, the launch of the pre-built samples app, the selection of the hand-tracking sample, and the power-off of the device.

Actually, now I see some errors related to the hand tracking:

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error handtracking Failed to start hand tracking

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error handtracking HandTracking_Start failed: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error QXRHandTrackingServer 425::error: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error QXRHandTrackingServer Start failed: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error QXRHandTrackingServer 456::error: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 3496 4885 Error QXRHandTrackingServer HandleStart failed: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 4749 4812 Error QVRClientConnection qvrclient:12: SendReceivePacket: unknown command

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 4749 4812 Error QXRCommClient 51::error: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 4749 4812 Error QXRHandTrackingClient 114::error: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.932 4749 4812 Error QXRHandTrackingClient Start failed: -1

2024/07/26 12:53:54.933 4749 4812 Error HandTrackingLayer QXRCoreClient_CreateHandTracking failed

You can find the complete log in the attachments. 

Thank you for your help!


Thanks for the log I'll forward it to our engineering team. VRX Home does not support hand tracking. On the pre built samples coming with the 0.23.0 download package, did you try removing the controller's batteries? 

Yes, I just tried again to remove the batteries while the pre-built samples app was running, but still nothing happened.

Could you please try a factory reset of the device? The log suggests that a device configuration file was deleted, and the factory reset may bring it back. 

After two attempts at doing a factory reset, the hands now show up in the pre-built sample, but only after removing the batteries from the controllers. I still get some warnings and errors, and I noticed an offset between the virtual and real hand, especially in passthrough mode. I don't know if this is expected behavior. I have attached the logs if they could be of any help (they include the startup of the device, launch of the sample app, and trying the hand tracking sample after removing the batteries).

Thank you again for your assistance!


Hi Lorenzo,

We're investigating this internally. There seems to be a running condition for accessing the device calibration file that may randomly prohibit use of Hand Tracking. If you are experiencing it, for now, please restart your device and try again. 

As for the hands' offset - a small offset is expected which is more visible with Passthrough enabled since you have the actual hands as a reference. Could you capture a video or screenshots of the hands using the capture app on VRX? I can then tell you if it's within the expected threshold. 

Having to remove the batteries is expected. The timeout required to disconnect the controllers was set to 10 minutes by Lenovo. You can either take out the batteries or place the controllers on a surface and not move them for 10 minutes. 

Hi Simon, 

here you can find two videos where I test the hand tracking sample both with and without passthrough enabled:

In the first test, I noticed a significant offset between my hands and the virtual hands, and I also had difficulties interacting with the cubes. Also, the size of the virtual hands did not match the size of my hands.

In the second test, the performance was much better. The offset was quite small and also the interaction experience was better. The only change I made between the two tests was restarting the device. Unfortunately, I didn't collect the logs this time.

Our investigation determined that this is a known bug in the Snapdragon Spaces Services installed on the device with Lenovo's latest firmware 1154. It's going to be fixed once Lenovo deploys the Snapdragon Spaces Services update on VRX. 

Unfortunately there seems no workaround other than turning on and off your VRX until Hand Tracking does work. 

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