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Crash - No Viewer device found to start application on


We develop Unity application that was working for weeks until yesterday, but now it crashes (or sometimes runs without XR initialization - there is no possibility to move in AR).

We use Snapdragon Spaces SDK 0.14 (also 0.13), and develop for Argo devices (I know it is not supported).

Please see attached logs - maybe it is a known issue?

The entry: No Viewer device found to start application on seems to be important.


Hi Toamasz, sorry for the late reply. I could imagine that the launch app on viewer or launch controller on host options maybe set incorrectly. Unfortunately, I do not know the recommended settings for the device since this support channel doesn't cover the device. Please ask DigiLens for recommended settings here. Generally the log looks fine and the startup seems sucessfull - your OpenXR state is focused and doesn't show an erraneous state. 

Hi Toamasz,

Thank you once again for choosing Spaces SDK. Is this issue still affecting you?

Best regards,
Andriy Fedorchuk
 Developer Experience Support Lead | Qualcomm XR Team

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