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QCHT gesture display error

When using gesture tracking in unity, the unity standard XR Origin node is not used, and the finger will be offset, may I ask what position and rotation data needs to be inherited by the parent node of the gesture model in order to display normally

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Thanks for your reply!

I found the problem because my project did not use the script XR Origin, but your SDK needs to go to this node to do coordinate transformation.


for the QCHT scene setup please refer to our documentation at  Basic Scene Setup ( .

The parent Game Objects we use in our samples are as follows: 

Everything rotation, position are set to (0, 0, 0) and scale to (1, 1, 1) except for the Camera Offset with a positon of (0, 1.1176, 0)

I would recommend you delete the prefab from your scene and add it again. 

Please let me know if that helps of if you need more instructions. 


Thanks for your reply!

I found the problem because my project did not use the script XR Origin, but your SDK needs to go to this node to do coordinate transformation.

Nice to hear it's working again! 

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