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Edit hand joints to create a pose for grabbing

Hello, am not sure exactly how to edit the hand joints to create a pose, in the proximal example, i can see a button that say edit joins but not sure exactly how to do that, Thanks.

Best Answer

Hi Ahmed,

just checking if you have seen the instructions in the Snapdragon Spaces documentation Snapping (

If this doesn't help, I can provide you with more info.


Hi Ahmed,

just checking if you have seen the instructions in the Snapdragon Spaces documentation Snapping (

If this doesn't help, I can provide you with more info.

Thanks Simon, this is what I was looking for, thanks again

Hello Simon, After checking the documentation page, i still have the same problem, it just says click the edit pose button, but after that am not sure what to do to actually edit the joints as i don't see any transform for the joints to edit.

Hi Ahmed, 

After clicking on edit, you should be able to rotate the joints via the red and blue circles inside the virtual hand. See this gif for a demonstration:  

After rotating the hand joints to the desired location, press save to save the snapping hand pose. 

Translating joints is not possible, the hand may only be moved in it's entirety via the default Unity tranlsation gizmo. 

Note that when using prefab mode, the hand may be displayed incorrectly scaled. Please use the scene view to adjust your hand snapping poses. 

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