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SpacesSDK can officially support Unity Editor 2021.3.33f1?

SpacesSDK supports Unity Editor 2021.3.16f1, not officialy support Later versions of Unity Editor.


> Please note that the recommended Unity Editor version to work with Snapdragon Spaces is 2021.3.16f1. Later versions of Unity Editor might work well, but have not been extensively tested.

With Unity Editor 2021.3.16f1, the unity library required by our service is not working.

It works with Unity Editor 2021.3.33f1.

We need to use Unity Editor 2021.3.33f1.

SpacesSDK can officially support Unity Editor 2021.3.33f1?

Do you have any plans to officialy support Later versions of Unity Editor?


1 Comment

We plan to update our Unity editor version when Unity releases a new main release of Unity LTS. Though, there is no timeline for that yet. 

Unity Editor 2021.3.33f1 is unlikely to make problems with the Snapdragon Spaces SDK. While 2021.3.16f1 is the recommended version, all other 2021.3 LTS versions should work as well. 

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