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XRHands Support


Are there any plans to support XRHands through Snapdragon Spaces any time soon? We currently rely on XRHands for our entire project, so the QCHT manager for hand data is incompatible with our setup.


I can not make promises, but it is scheduled for a release in approximately ~6 weeks. Note that this is subject to change and may be postponed/delayed if circumstances require. 

The current state of QCHT supports HandTracking via XR Interaction Toolkit, which is either the same or better than XRHands. The hand representation of XRHands is more generic and QCHT is better at this point. You may want to consider upgrading your project.  XR Interaction Toolkit | XR Interaction Toolkit | 2.5.1 ( 

That'd be super! Is there a rough eta for that support, if not a hard date?

Hey Matt,

We don't have plans for official support but in an upcoming version of Snapdragon Spaces we plan on supporting XR_EXT_hand_interaction in addition to XR_EXT_hand_tracking, which should allow you to run XRHands with the Spaces Services. 

I will update this when there is a confirmed release date for the extension. 

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