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Camera Frame Access sample does not work in Spaces v0.15.0 with error XR_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE

I updated my project from v0.14.0 to v0.15.0 and I started to getting the following error:

Failed to access frame: XR_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE Qualcomm.Snapdragon.Spaces.CameraAccessFeature:TryAccessFrame(UInt64, XrCameraFrameConfigurationQCOM, UInt32) Qualcomm.Snapdragon.Spaces.CameraProvider:TryGetFrame(XRCameraParams, XRCameraFrame&) UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRCameraSubsystem:TryGetLatestFrame(XRCameraParams, XRCameraFrame&) UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARCameraManager:Update()

Could be related to permissions issue but get true when trying:

Debug.Log($"Permission Granted: {Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Camera)}");

This issue can be reproduced in a new empty project with the sample Camera Frame Access.

(17.9 MB)


Can you please check if the pre-compiled samples that come with your Snapdragon Spaces SDK download work on your device? 

I downloaded the sample you provided, reimported the Spaces samples, activated Camera Frame Access in the project settings, and built the apk. 

Camera Frame Access is working with the sample. Your project settings may be incorrect.

Make sure that:

OpenXR and the Snapdragon Spaces feature group under ProjectSettings > XRPlug-in Management are enabled.

Camera Frame Access (Experimental) and Base Runtime are enabled under ProjectSettings > XRPlug-in Managment > OpenXR

You ran the feature validator by clicking Fix All under ProjectSettings > XRPlug-in Management > Project Validation

Generally, make sure to follow the setup process from our documentation Unity Setup Guide | Snapdragon Spaces (

Hello Simon, thank you so much for checking. I do have followed the documentation and double checked the the configuration but the issue persists.

Thank you for recommending  me to check the provided APK of the Samples. I can confirm it is also possible to replicate the issue with it. This only happens with the v0.15.0 and not with the v0.14.0.

I have attached the video capture.


I have updated to the v0.15.0.1 and updated the Spaces Services app too and is working now! Thanks.

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