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Hand tracking simulation miss in 0.12.1

QCHT components all obsolete in SDK 0.12.1.

I can use hand simulation in SDK 0.11.1, but it missing in 0.12.1.

How can i simulate hand in Unity editor now?

Best Answer


with the latest update we have switched to using XRIT hands simulation instead of using our own. You will need to activate it in the Project settings:


afterwards you should be able to use the simulator in your scenes. Here's some info on how to control it  XR Device Simulator | XR Interaction Toolkit | 2.3.1 ( 



with the latest update we have switched to using XRIT hands simulation instead of using our own. You will need to activate it in the Project settings:


afterwards you should be able to use the simulator in your scenes. Here's some info on how to control it  XR Device Simulator | XR Interaction Toolkit | 2.3.1 ( 

Hi, Thanks for replay my question.

I success to enable hand simulation in Unity edior now.

Then,  I press G key to grap a cube, but i cannot release cube when i release G key.

I test grap function in Unity XRIT Example. it is working when i realse G key but it not works in Spaces Scene.

I am not sure it a bug or just happen in my case.


I release G key but still in grap status. i debug the code and found it not call OnEndGrab or ReleaseGrab callback.

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I was able to reproduce this and think you just found a bug that we did not yet have on record. Thanks for that! I will file a bug report with the hand tracking team.

Will come back to this thread when there is news on how to fix it!

Hey we just released SDK 0.13.0 which includes a fix for this issue!

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