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Snapdragon Spaces not using any AR functionality on the ARGO Digilens.

When starting the Snapdragon Sample APK, the AR subsystems fail to load, preventing the gaze cursor from moving in the Main Menu Scene. Instead, the app automatically loads into the Anchor Scene, with the gaze fixed at the centre of the screen. Upon loading the Anchor Scene, a warning pops up indicating that either the Camera Permissions aren’t granted (even though they are), or the relevant feature group settings aren’t enabled (even though they should be since this is a sample app).

The following warning are provided from Android Logcat:

Warn Unity No active UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRSessionSubsystem is available. Please ensure that a valid loader configuration exists in the XR project settings.

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.SubsystemLifecycleManager`3:GetActiveSubsystemInstance()

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.SubsystemLifecycleManager`3:EnsureSubsystemInstanceSet()

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARSession:OnEnable()

Warn Unity No active UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRCameraSubsystem is available. Please ensure that a valid loader configuration exists in the XR project settings.

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.SubsystemLifecycleManager`3:GetActiveSubsystemInstance()

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.SubsystemLifecycleManager`3:EnsureSubsystemInstanceSet()

Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.SubsystemLifecycleManager`3:OnEnable()

Warn Unity No active UnityEngine.XR.XRInputSubsystem is available. Please ensure that a valid loader configuration exists in the XR project settings.


Warn Unity UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARInputManager:OnEnable()

Info Unity Reference frame of the curve not set and XROrigin is not found, using global up as default.

Attempted solutions so far:

1.Installing Snapdragon Services Version 0.11.1 and the Sample apk provided.

2.Disabling and then enabling all permissions on both applications.

2.Rebooting the device multiple times.

3.Building the Snapdragon sample scenes using Unity Version 2021.16.1 and following the Snapdragon tutorials at

4.Building a sample scene following the Digilens tutorials at

Uninstalling both applications and installing the versions provided in Snapdragon SDK Version 0.12.1.

Following steps 2-4 outlined above.

Regardless of any build made, the above stated warnings would always appear in Android Logcat.

Best Answer

Hi Neepo,

ARGO Digilens is not supported by Snapdragon Spaces. You can find the officially supported device here Snapdragon Spaces Hardware Development Kit | Snapdragon Spaces ( 

1 Comment


Hi Neepo,

ARGO Digilens is not supported by Snapdragon Spaces. You can find the officially supported device here Snapdragon Spaces Hardware Development Kit | Snapdragon Spaces ( 

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