
Hand Tracking on VRX may not work on a VRX with the latest firmware (S1154). The bug originates in the Snapdragon Spaces Services and is caused by a race condition of two components trying to access a configuration file.  

The symptoms involve: 

  • Logcat  

  • Once “Error ClaySDK device_calibration.xml not found”. 

  • Continuous log of “Info QCHTOpenXrPlugin Invalid tracker “.

  • Hand Tracking does not work in any application even if controller batteries are removed. 

Affected Versions

Snapdragon Spaces Services


Device and firmware versions 

  • VRX S1154 



Continute restarting the VRX device until Hand Tracking is working again.  

Further Resources

Visit this FAQ about finding the version of Snapdragon Spaces Services and the VRX firmware version: Getting Software Version Numbers on VRX