
On all Snapdragon Spaces devices the rendering may look darker compared to the Unity or Unreal editor. This is caused b a bug in the Snapdragon Spaces Services and the handling of sRGB and RGB color space when using multi pass rendering. 

Render Mode / Color SpaceSingle PassMulti Pass


Affected Versions

Snapdragon Spaces Services

  • Resolved in Snapdragon Spaces Services 0.19.1, fix not enabled by all OEMs

Device and firmware versions

  •  VRX 1154


  • Unity
  • Unreal



Some Snapdragon Spaces devices have enabled a fix for this bug already and developers do not need to change anyhting on their application. In case the bug is still encountered try the follwoing steps:

  1. Under Project Settings / Player / Other Settings / Rendering / Color Space set the option - with the options Linear or Gamma; select Linear 
  2. Under Project Settings / XR Plug-In Management / OpenXR / Render Mode select Single Pass Instanced \ Multi-view 
Please note that this will disable post processing effects and may cause problems with shaders relying on multi pass rendering.

Textures may define their own color space as well and Unity may convert the texture's color space to the project's color space if they are different. Unity - Manual: Texture Import Settings ( Make sure that the texture setting is conform to the textures actual color space. 


Further Resources

Unity's documentation on color space: Unity - Manual: Color space (

Unity's documenation on gamma: Unity - Manual: Linear or gamma workflow (