VR/MR/AR Differences

The Snapdragon Spaces SDK is available for VR/MR devices and AR devices.

The SDK is available on the Snapdragon Spaces Developer Portal. There are options for VR/MR and AR SDK versions that are compatible with the latest firmware of supported AR and VR/MR devkits. 

VR/MR download linkAR download link
VR/MR SDK - Snapdragon Spaces (Qualcomm.com)AR SDK - Snapdragon Spaces (Qualcomm.com)

The content of the plugin for AR and VR/MR with the same version number does not differ. The VR/MR SDK package does not contain an apk for the Snapdragon Spaces Services though. 

For example; the 0.23.0 AR SDK can be used for development with an AR device as it has the same content as the 0.23.0 VR/MR SDK. 

VR/MR/AR Terminology

Short DesignationLong DesignationPerception FeaturesPassthrough
VR/MRVirtual Reality / Mixed RealityAll (device specific)video
ARAugmented RealityAll (device specific)optical

Main differences for AR and VR/MR

  • VR/MR requires specialized components and code for passthrough. AR doesn't require additional code for passthrough because it uses optical see through displays.
  • AR supports Dual Render Fusion on smartphone and glasses combo devices. VR/MR does not support Dual Render Fusion.