
On both left and right VRX controllers, the controller bindings for the thumb sticks may continue firing while the thumb sticks are not used anymore in a specific scenario. 

You may encounter this bug as follows:

  1. Hold the thumb stick of either the left or right controller in a direction.
  2. Press the menu button on the right VRX controller.
  3. Let go of the thumb stick.

While in the menu, the application is going to update in the background with the input bindings continuing to fire even though the controller's thumb sticks were let go of. 

Affected Versions

Snapdragon Spaces Services

  • Any

Snapdragon Spaces Plugin

  • Any

Device Firmware versions

  •  VRX 980 and earlier
  • VRX Controller 4.2 and earlier



Use the input binding for the menu button to turn off application specific functionality when the menu button is pressed. Save the current value returned by the thumb stick bindings. Turn the application specific functionality back on when the value of the thumb stick bindings changes. For the menu button use the <XRController>{RightHand}/menu or <OculusTouchController>/menu binding.