The following solution article assumes basic knowledge of adb and a working adb setup. Refer to for more info about adb. 

  1. Connect the headset or smartphone via adb.
  2. Run the command adb logcat
  3. Copy this log into a file and optionally save it.
  4. Use Ctrl + F or a search function of your text editor to look for "Start Unity OpenXR Diagnostic Report".
  5. Check the OpenXR Provider Info of the log to verify that this is a log captured from your application. If it is not a match, look for the next mention of diagnostic report in the log or capture a new log if there is none. 
    1. Here an example for VRX Home:
      1. Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] App: VRX Home #2748362345
    2. More of the log for reference:
    3. Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Provider Info ====
      Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] 
      Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] Spec Version: 1.0.25
      Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] Provider Version: 1.6.0
      Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] App: VRX Home #2748362345
      Info Unity [XR] [500928679088] [15:19:45.085][Info   ] Engine: 2021.3.9f1 #36738049

  6. Check the OpenXR Runtime Info section of the diagnostic report. 
    1. The Base Runtime line will show you what version of the Snapdragon Spaces Plugin was used to create this app. 
      1. Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Base Runtime: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOM_component_versioning"
    2. You can also see what other perception features are enabled for this application. 
    3. More of the log for reference:
    4. Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Runtime Info ====
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ] Features requested to be enabled: (10)
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Base Runtime: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOM_component_versioning"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Camera Access (Experimental): Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOMX_camera_frame_access"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Hand Tracking (Deprecated): Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_EXT_hand_tracking XR_QCOM_hand_tracking_gesture"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Hit Testing: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOM_ray_casting"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Image Tracking: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOM_image_tracking"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Microsoft Mixed Reality Motion Controller Profile: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Oculus Touch Controller Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Plane Detection: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_QCOM_plane_detection XR_MSFT_scene_understanding"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Spatial Anchors: Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence"
      Info Unity [XR] [499178515632] [14:53:08.432][Info   ]   Spatial Meshing (Experimental): Version=0.17.0, Company="Qualcomm", Extensions="XR_MSFT_scene_understanding"